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TDI – Transfert Développement Informatique
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RCS Lyon: B421 866 468
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Registered office:
Europarc du Chêne
10 Rue Edison
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Transfert Développement Informatique is the owner of the following trademarks:
Expedito Premium, Exlabel, Extracking, Experform, Exwarning, Exintouch, Expricing.
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In accordance with the French Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978, amended by the Law of 6 August 2004, users and visitors have the right to access and rectify information concerning them. They may exercise this right by sending a letter to Transfert Développement Informatique, Europarc du Chêne - 10, rue Edison - 69500 BRON - France, or by emailing